Tuesday, July 19, 2011

KlArEeSha... the BEST GiFt from the Lord ...

You can name your kitten

You can name your cow

You can name your puppy

But the question is how?

How do you think of..

A really good name?

Do you write it on paper?

Or on a picture frame?

Naming an animal

Is lots of fun..

But naming a baby..

Is so specially done!

For babies grow up

And don’t stay small

Every day children

Grow oh so tall!

They go to school..

They go to soccer games...

And everyone knows them

By their special names, KlArEeSha....

Mommies and Daddies

Take lots of time … and lots of love

To name their babies

Sent from God up above.

So remember when you hear


It was given to you..

For there is no one the same…

No one at all,

Is quite like you...

You're a special gift from God

And He loves you too !!!!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

1st Month Joy and Pride with my cute Baby ....

Small and Sweet.
My Little Girl so small and sweet,
Those tiny hands and tiny feet.
Everyday I watch you grow,
You teach me everything I know.

Such a joy to be around,
Every smile and every sound.
Number one you will stay,
Each and every single day.

You changed my life in such good ways,
"Thank You'' is all that I can say.
I love to watch you sleep at night,
Cuddled warm and wrapped up tight.

As I blink the time it flies,
It breaks my heart to see you cry.
I gave you life, so proud to say,

I'll love you more with every day.
My little Girl so small and sweet,
For you my heart, It beats and beats.

Klareesha was born on 6th June 2011 at 3.12 pm in Perak Community Specialist Hospital, Ipoh.... Today she reaches her 1 month milestone with God's grace..... Thank you Lord for giving such a wonderful and beautiful baby for us.... My wife and I had a Superb and Wonderful 30 days with Klareesha... May God's blessing will be with her forever.....

Welcome.... Baby Klareesha !!!!

A baby's laugh is like a song,
Sung by a beautiful bird.
A baby's cry is like a storm,
Like the thunder in the sky.
A baby's breath is like a soft wind,
The wind of a cool summers day.
A baby's beauty is like a butterfly,
Fluttering its magnificent wings.
A baby's body grows,
Like a new tree shooting up into the sky.
A baby's like is as fragile as a star,
Shinning forever....

A baby's a wonderful creation........